Sunday, March 9, 2008

SK - Telecom latest CF VOD (theme song sang by Jang Dong Gun)

Translation of the SK- telecom lyrics that was sang by Jang Dong Gun:
credits to nightdream from dg teahouse for original korean to chinese translation. Many thanks to her

If you talk about marriage I will just smile, If the number of wrinkles increase I will just grin
If the numbers of uprising handsome juniors continue to increase, then will use acting to decide success or failure
If because one is a star and felt lonely, then will look at the old friend faces,
Will do what my heart wants me to do
Be carefree T "

---song By Jang Dong Gun for SK telecom CF

PS: Let's sing along

credits to ttconnie from dgteahouse for the VOD clips. many thanks to her

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